Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In 2007, just two days after Christmas, my boyfriend asked me to be his wife.  Through tears and a shaking voice I said "yes," and in that nanosecond between his question and my agreement to enter the life of a bride-to-be, the world stopped spinning and all the thoughts of "is this really happening to me?  He's asking ME?" and "I am so undeserving of his love!" ripped through my mind.  The thought that never formed, however, was "we've only been dating for three months and 21 days."  The length of our courtship was never an issue, and to this day has only benefited our relationship.

Our stint of "being engaged" lasted only two days longer than the dating portion of our relationship, resulting in a whopping seven months and 13 days from the day we met to the day we got hitched!  During that time, we went through pre-marital counseling with an amazing couple from our church.  They have three beautiful children, and a marriage that stands firmly on God's solid foundation.  What a blessing to go to their home every Friday night for dinner and fellowship.  My betrothed and I took their words of wisdom to heart, and still reflect on them often.

During the enlightening sessions of gearing up for "till death do us part," we learned our love languages!  It was a vulnerable way to see into each other's wants and needs.  It is difficult sometimes to express in words how much my heart truly belongs to my husband.  This love thing is so simple that it's complicated.  For instance, I know he loves me because he reveals his heart to me daily through  his words and actions.  Even the simplest smile from him makes my heart swell with joy.  However, I am daily blown away by how simple words of affirmation from little ol' me can brighten my husband's face after a long day.  I know that perfect love is unconditional and unselfish, it is what I strive for, but sometimes I can't help but tell him how I feel just so I can see that grin that tells me I made his day.

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